Friday, July 6, 2012

Sorrowful Song

My sorrowful song, “Someone Like You”
Pierced my ears with a pounding passion.

When heard, I would cry
While cradling my crippled soul
In the comfort of my down comforter.

When heard, I would relive
The relic of our romance as
Each kiss robbed us of our sanity.

When heard, I would think.
Think of the thoughts we once thought.
Of the troubles we would once face
While we willfully waited with open hearts
For time to tell our transformed infatuation
That it no longer ticks for us.

When heard, I knew.
Knew that we were gone.
Our gullible hearts once again
Gobbled up our reality.

Now, the howling hour has been hushed;
we are done.

The song that once strung
My soul, “Someone Like You”
No longer wraps my
Once withering heart.